Our most important ambition? To be the catalyst which sparks a change in the industry to encourage more genuinely healthy food trucks that taste amazing. We believe this is a sign of things to come as we look to play a large role in improving the health of our nation.
Coming from a nutrition, health and fitness background, I noticed many young kids and adults were not eating healthy in Australia. Many were suffering heart disease, obesity, celiac disease, lactose intolerance’s, gluten intolerance’s and many more issues within their body. So I decided I would try to make a difference to the world one person at a time. Without losing all the amazing flavours i use organic products and local fresh produce for all my smoothies and juices. I thought to myself why does every food truck out there only sell unhealthy foods with saturated fats, deep fried oils and drinks loaded with sugar. I knew that if I could make that small difference in the world, it may have a huge impact in the future. Many smoothies these days have sugar and other fillers in their smoothies to cut costs. We use 100% real fruit with no fillers, preservatives or any sugar. We are also vegan friendly. I feel amazing when customers compliment our smoothies, knowing that they are actually doing good for their body whist still enjoying the sweet taste. It touches my heart when kids cannot remove the straw from their mouth because they are enjoying every last drop of our healthy smoothie. I know in those moments I have made that small difference to the world doing something that I love.